Best Virtual world Games like IMVU | Top alternatives

Best IMVU alternatives for Avatar virtual gaming

In recent years, 2D games were in vogue, but after the advent of 3D games, the world of gaming have moved to the next level. Games like IMVU are just so good especially if you like games that look just like real life. IMVU is a popular Avatar game where you have your own avatar and you perform tasks while controlling your avatar.

Games like IMVU

There are a lot of alternatives to IMVU and you can have a lot of fun playing these games. You can create your own 3D avatar, chat with friends, and explore different virtual worlds. If you are looking for the best Avatar Games like IMVU then you are at the right place. We will share with you the top best similar games like IMVU you can play on your Android, iOS or even on your computer.

See also: Games like Roblox


Best similar games like IMVU


1. Second Life

This is a free alternative to IMVU where people of all ages can meet new friends and have fun. This game is geared towards the teen and adolescent market, but anyone can still make their own avatar and start making real money with it. You can even earn money from this game. People spend months making incredible avatars to sell, making this platform the perfect business idea for teens and adolescents.

The most remarkable aspect of the Second Life online world game is that it is a platform on which almost anything goes. Your avatar or virtual representation has the opportunity to create real-life connections with virtual people and things. For example, players can spend their Linden dollars to buy houses and cars, as well as furnish their homes with everything, and people can find them a job if necessary.

Social networks and meeting places are available. Your experience in the virtual world may range from simple and private contact with people of your imagination to more public activities which are facilitated by the site administrators and moderators.


2. OurWorld

The game OurWorld is different from most virtual reality videogames in that it is set in an online world. OurWorld is an online virtual world designed to offer teen girls a place to play different games ranging from puzzle games to action games.

It is an alternate reality game where characters like yourself can become a part of a story. People in the game can help you play different games ranging from the action and fast paced games to role-playing games. Like an in-game world, you can also buy things using credits.

It also has a lot of features to enhance your social life in this game: for example, you can chat with new people and friends, listen to music with other players, dance with them and go to parties, share thoughts, visit museums, play in tournaments and so on. This is a unique game just like Imvu you should at least try once.


3. Smeet

Smeet is a new cross-platform mobile game-chat app which is available for Android, MacOS, Windows and iOS. The game allows users to create an avatar by which they communicate with other users from all over the globe. As a member, you can choose a different hairstyle every day and choose a fresh background to express yourself. Together with strangers, you can explore exciting adventures.

Players can join 3D discussion groups. They can ask questions to help themselves learn new things or find other users who share the same interests. And with their friends, they can chat, listen to music and play different challenges. A whole new mobile social platform for communication through gaming.

See also: Top best RPG games for PC


4. Kaneva

Kaneva is a perfect alternative to IMVU and is a US video game company which invites players to explore more than a million 3D places. You can set a different theme for each of your customized places and then build them in this 3D world. Explore more than two and a half million designs created by more than 26,000 artists. The game is a lively one and you can have so much fun playing it.


5. Twinity

This is another IMVU replacement, free online game. It is an avatar 3D chat game where you can create an avatar to navigate and explore a virtual version of any city. This game lets you create your own avatar and party with friends. Next, you can go shopping, dress up, and flirt with people in 3D.

Moreover, the online game allows you to host a party and find new friends in the virtual world. In this game, you can navigate different things in the game. For example, you can explore different islands and other things. However, the game is only available for Windows devices.

You should also check out if you a a fan of online classic solitaire games.


6. Minecraft

This video game is about having fun by building your own world, city, and all the things you want. Play the game and get free with the flow and enjoy your experience.

You can build any kind of city, switch islands, and explore all that you see. As a user, you can explore all worlds with different buildings, levels, etc. Plus interact and play with other Minecraft users. You can meet them while playing so that they’d be glad to enjoy the game with you.


7. The Sims 4

When you start playing the Sims 4 virtual game, you’ll create a new personality for yourself. This is one of the best games similar to IMVU. You’ll learn to care about things that matters.

You’ll get too attached to your stuff. It’ll become your life. You’ll learn to be more emotional, to act on feelings. You’ll learn to care about other people. You’ll learn more about the lives of others. You’ll enjoy life like never before in your virtual world.


8. Lady Popular

It is an exciting virtual world and can replace IMVU anytime. You will be witness to the life of a beautiful lady. While shopping and travelling, you can buy clothes and do the RampWalk. You will have fun with nice friends or visit places and live in different homes of all styles. However, you are not limited to choosing which friends to be with. You can even choose your boyfriend with whom you will get engaged if you like.


9. Habbo

Habbo is a virtual place where people are very social. You can check out the game and create your very own avatars. It would only take you a couple of minutes and then you will be able to communicate with strangers. This game started in 2000 and it has been going on for most of the time.

The game has the longest user base. This is one of the most popular games on its particular category. The main focus is to provide a quality experience in other features such as furniture games, chat rooms, etc. You can play the game on your Android, iOS, PC and you can even utilize the web version of the game.


10. Touch

Touch is an Internet entertainment game where you can interact with other players from all around the world in your own virtual world to build and own a fantasy pop music band. This game has an array of customization options that you can use to develop your virtual character.

It’s a game that mimics the motions of other dance games because you have to press the correct arrow keys at the same time when the visual on a screen tells you so. On what devices can Touchgame be played? Touch can be played on an internet browser on a computer or mobile device.



There are a lot of games online that claims they are IMVU’s alternatives but only a few can deliver what features IMVU has. Above are the best Games similar to Imvu that you can try out without any regrets whatsoever.

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